The deepest fear is often one of success

‘I really want to be doing better’ clients will say to me. But they are self sabbatoging many areas of their life and are unclear why they do these things. ‘I always put off marketing in my business’ - thats a really common one.

When you get down to it, there is so often a fear of success. This can come from many different bases, but common ones tend to be:

  • someone in your life would respond negatively if you started doing well in life

  • people might try to control your image/time/output if you were successful

  • if you were ‘out there' in the public eye people could judge you negatively

  • What if you really went for it and after all that it didn’t make you happy? - where would that leave you?

  • The possibilities of success are too endless.. its better to hang onto what I know.

Its incredible to experience clients pushing past these fears as we work together. These fears can be deep rooted and need some intersting prodding at to get past, but one way and another we always get there; to the place where clients can move forward with a total sense of freedom, being their most brilliant selves.

If you would like to blast away the fears holding you back in life, I would love to help you.

Kate Mayor