Is OCD taking a hold on your life?

Don’t go near people! Don’t touch anything! Wash everything once inside! Germs could be anywhere! The current climate is the perfect storm for developing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

OCD can range from mild symptoms such as needing things to be ordered and hygienic through to debilitating symptoms where every moment of life is governed by rituals. If left unchecked, OCD has a tendency to get worse, as fear takes over and more ‘checks’ are needed in order to feel safe.  

The first step is to recognise that there is a problem. If the rituals have become something that you can’t let go of, if your mind churns about all the possible worst outcomes (known as ‘catastrophising’), if you can’t settle yourself until you have checked just one more time, if you find yourself feeling more and more ‘out of control’ of everything around you, then it is time to consider the following steps:

1)      Try to rationalise it and focus on a positive statement. Use facts and logic to stop the churn of your brain. This will be different for everyone depending on your personal fear and situation. It might be something like ‘I am healthy and strong’, or ‘I am following all the guidelines set out’.  

2)      Worry chair. Give yourself half an hour a day where you have to sit in a particular chair at a particular time and you can worry all you like for that half hour. If you feel a worry creeping in at other times say to yourself ‘I will worry about that later’.

3)      Get absorbed in something else. This might be a new project or learning something new. (see my previous post on lockdown projects) or it might be listening to a podcast or reading a book. Watching comedy is a great option as laughter diffuses anxiety.

4)      Relax and breathe. Try a breathing exercise to calm you such as breathing in for 3 seconds, holding for 6 and breathing out slowly for 9. Or focus on each muscle group of the body and relax each one in turn. Scan you body and see where you are holding most tension and let it go.

If you need some help to get you past this, I am offering online sessions. I offer a FREE 15 minute phone consultation, so please get in touch!