When life sends you a curve ball

When life throws you lemons, it is easy to get stuck in a cycle of negative thinking and catastrophising. But focusing on the negative will eventually send you into a downward spiral. It can be hard to remain positive, but there are many reasons why it is worth doing.

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Kate MayorComment
At the end of your tether with parenting?

There are no two ways about it, while being a parent can bring huge joy, parenting is also hard - and relentless and exhausting. I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old, and I feel constantly pulled in different directions trying to meet their different needs, give them the attention they need and manage everything else in life too. Some days are harder than others, but I am always thankful for the wealth of coping strategies I have been able to learn to help me manage the tough moments.

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Kate MayorComment
Find yourself fearing a meeting at work?

Maybe you were caught on the spot by a question in the past, maybe something or someone made you feel intimidated in the past.. and all of a sudden this regular meeting in your diary is causing you huge anxiety. You do your utmost to avoid it wherever possible, you feel dread hours before the meeting and imagine all sorts of negative outcomes throughout the meeting. After the meeting you spend ages analysing your behaviours and beating yourself up about the things you did or didn’t do.

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